How many types of call centers are there?

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types of call centersCall centers have become an integral part of modern times in our societies. These centers provide invaluable service to their clients as well as general customers by answering the questions and clearing doubts of customers. Executives sitting in these call centers have full knowledge about the products and services of their clients. They listen to complaints of customers and solve their issues through various channels of communications. However, before opting for the service of a call center company, you must be aware of the different types of call centers and the services rendered by them. By having this information, you can take a better and informed decision regarding the type of call center you need to fulfill the requirements of your business.

There are different types of call centers based upon the nature of their functioning. These are as follows.

  1. Inbound call centers – As the name implies, these call centers are set up to receive calls from common public. The most common example of such call centers is a customer service call center. Customers of a company make calls and executives try to solve their queries and complaints about products and services provided by a company.
  2. Outbound call centers – These are another type of call center where executives make calls to contact potential customers in a bid to do telemarketing. However, these centers also make calls to existing customers of the company to welcome them and to inform them about the features of products and service. These call centers also make calls to inform customers about the status of their earlier complaints. They also talk to existing customers to resolve their complaints regarding pending bills.
  3. Domestic call centers – The name of these call centers tells about their functioning. These call centers function only within the boundaries of a country, answering the queries of customers within a specific country. These call centers do not make or receive calls from international customers.
  4. International call centers – The clients of these call centers are multinational companies. The executives in such a cal center make and receive calls from customers in different countries. These executives receive culture and language training to understand the accent of customers belonging to different countries. They also learn how to not offend the cultural sensitivities of these customers.

What are the different types of contact centers and services offered?

The purpose of different types of call centers is to establish a transparent communication channel between the customers and a company. Inbound call centers mainly entertain calls received by customers whereas outbound call centers are used to call out existing and potential customers in a bid to welcome them and to inform them about various products and services offered by the company. All call centers aim to provide resolution of queries and complaints of customers.

What are the classifications of call centers based on some factors?

There are different types of classifications in practice based upon the nature and functions of call centers.

  • Inbound and outbound
  • Domestic and international
  • Small and large call centers
  • Web based and telephonic call centers
  • Virtual and physical call centers

These classifications are clear in terms of their nature and functionalities. Inbound call centers are those where customers make calls on their own whereas outbound call centers are those where executives make calls to existing and potential customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different types of call?

Different types of call centers depend upon the requirements of the client and his business. For example, inbound call centers are centers that are used by customers to get answers to their queries and complaints. On the other hand, outbound call centers are mainly used by companies to promote their business by making welcome calls to existing and potential customers. Customers are informed about various products and services of the company. Similarly, there are domestic call centers to serve the customers in a particular country whereas there are also international call centers providing service to customers from various countries. There are also home based or virtual call centers that are operated through the web without the need to spend infrastructure in a physical call center.

How do call centers work?

Call centers work with the help of well-trained executives who handle the queries of customers. Some call centers are used to take the business of the client to potential customers. In these call centers, the focus remains on making phone calls to existing and potential customers by informing them about various products and services of the company. In case of a physical call center, executives sit in separate cubes or next to each other. There are different people designated to attend to calls of specified nature. For example, some executives handle normal queries whereas others listen to technical support requests.

Which type of call center we should hire for order taking services?

If you wish to increase the number of orders for your business, it is a prudent idea to set up a call center. It should be an outbound call center where executives would make calls to your existing and potential customers and inform them about your products and services. This way you will find that the call center is able to increase brand awareness. You will also see a jump in the orders placed by your customers.

What is the difference between call center and BPO organization?

There are many people who remain confused between a call center and a BPO organization. There are some people who feel that a call center is same as a BPO organization. However, there are some basic differences between a call center and a BPO organization. A BPO organization is mainly involved with back office tasks such as customer support and bookkeeping. A call center is mainly what the name suggests. It is used only for making and receiving calls from customers. In fact, BPO is an acronym that stands for business process outsourcing and the business hands over the reasonability of any one or more aspects of the company to a third party.

What type of businesses needs call center services?

Many people believe that call centers are mostly needed by telecommunications companies to fulfill the requirements of their customers. However, this is a total misconception as today there are call centers looking after the requirements of businesses of all sizes and nature in diverse industries. Here are some of the most common types of call centers serving the interests of different businesses these days.

  • Call centers for hospitals and healthcare providers
  • Call centers for telecommunication companies
  • Call centers set up to give response to disasters
  • Call centers for emergency services
  • Call centers for public services
  • Call centers for e-commerce portals
  • Call centers for banks and financial services


Call centers are playing a very important role in the economy of the country these days. They are helping both the customers as well as companies providing services to their customers. There are different types of call centers to serve the interests of the client. There are many companies providing outsourcing services to set up call centers for their clients in diverse industries. xtDirect is the leading call center outsourcing service provider. No matter what the nature and size of your business, we can help you in having a better communication with your customers. Call at 402-502-0563 or email at to know how we can help you in setting up and running a call center on behalf of your business.